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8 Ways You Can Spend Time With God Daily

Why Should We Spend Time with God Every Day?


We know that in order to foster any relationship open communication is essential. Imagine if you neglected effectively communicating with those in your daily life: your spouse, your children, your boss, or a friend. How quickly would that relationship turn cold? Your hearts would harden, strain would be present, and trust would wither away. Now let me remind you, God is with us every day. What happens to our relationship with Him when we don’t communicate with Him daily? 

Within our everyday relationships, there are times of silence. You might be washing the dishes while your spouse is playing on their phone. Maybe you are reading at a coffee shop while your friend is across the table typing on their computer. It is possible that you are sitting at your desk and your coworker is ten feet away, working away on their own duties. These are comfortable silences. You may not be communicating, but you’re present; you're spending time together. Would your relationship dwindle if you didn’t spend this time together? Isn’t it safe to assume your relationship with God would dwindle too?

Any person we are in a healthy relationship with would be worried if we started engaging in wrong behavior. They wouldn’t want us to head down the wrong path. Envision yourself at a park. While your brother runs off to the bathroom, you decide to rest on a bench. Unexpectedly, you find a wallet on the bench nearest to you. You open the wallet to check for an ID so you can return the wallet. You have every intention of returning the wallet until you notice it is full of cash. Suddenly you are entertained by the idea of keeping the money. Who would know? While contemplating whether or not to keep the money, your brother comes up from behind. He notices the wallet and the money. Your brother comments, “Whoa! That’s a lot of money”. Hesitantly, you admit to him that you wanted to keep the cash. Your brother then talks you out of the temptation. He reminds you of your values and explains why that would not be a wise choice. Now, let’s change the story a bit. Instead of going to the park with your brother, you went by yourself. You still find the wallet, and you are still overcome with temptation. Would you have taken the money? Luckily for you, you are never alone. God is always with you and when you have a strong relationship with Him he will help you overcome temptation. 

When we love someone, we make certain they know. This can be done in a variety of ways. Regardless if we make a show of our love for someone with a grand gesture, or something simple, kind and thoughtful, we make sure our love for someone is known and they do not doubt our love. If it is fundamental to show your loved ones they are loved every day, why would you not show God the same recognition?

God is your companion. He should be at the forefront of your life. Now let me ask you this, Why shouldn’t we spend time with God every day?

What You Can Do to Establish Time with Him Every Day


Pray for YourselfPray for yourself when you need guidance, protection from temptation, to keep an open line of communication, to let him know your feelings, when you just need to talk, when you’re alone, when you’re excited, when you’re thankful and when you’re sick. It doesn’t matter the reason, keeping God as your first point of contact keeps Him as your number one source of strength.

Pray for Someone ElseIt doesn’t matter if this someone else is a friend, a family member, a stranger on the street, your cousin's stepson’s best friend’s aunt, a person you read about in the newspaper, your boss, or any other person you feel inspired to pray for.

Read Your Bible

Read a Quick PassageReading something is better than reading nothing.

Reread and Ponder About your Favorite VerseIt’s your favorite verse for a reason. When you reread you are able to identify a new or clearer understanding and perspective.

Read a ChapterIf you have some extra time, spend it reading an entire chapter.

Read RandomlyClose your eyes and open up your Bible. Place a finger somewhere on the page and open up your eyes. Start reading from where your finger is pointed. You might find yourself reading something that is related to your current situation.

Have a Bible Verse Sent to your PhoneThere are many options and many versions that can easily be sent to your phone, and it usually only takes a few minutes to sign up for this service and only a few minutes to read the daily verse.

 Get Creative

Use Inspiration and Create Artwork that Reminds you of GodThis can be anything from drawing, coloring in a coloring book, pulling out the canvas and paint, or even sculpting something from clay. Use your talents He gave you to show your adoration for Him.

Draw Out a Scene From a Passage Directly in your Bible- Adding illustrations directly in your Bible can not only be fun but help you examine the chapter more carefully. 

Write a Poem About your Relationship with God-  You don’t have to be a world-class poet to write a poem. Just keep it meaningful and personal.

Write a Short StoryUse your imagination and write a short story about your relationship with Jesus or why you attend church, a personal example of an answered prayer, or a conversation you’d have with God in person, just to name a few. Use your imagination! 

Write a ScreenplayWrite a screenplay based on your favorite chapter in the Bible, the meaning of being a Christian in today’s world, or anything else you can think of.

Write a Letter to GodThis is a great way to pour out your feelings and talk to our Father in Heaven.

Write in your JournalYou can write in a prayer journal, gratitude journal, or even a regular journal.

 Read Other Media

Read DevotionalsDevotionals are a great and simple way to nourish your relationship with God.

Read a Book by a Christian AuthorIf you find enjoyment in reading then you could benefit from reading a fiction or non-fiction book by a Christian author.

Read a Christian Blog -Christian blogs contain insightful and beneficial encouragement, lessons, personal experiences, and more. Blogs are a resourceful outlet to stay close to God and connect with other followers of Christ.


Move Your Body

Go on a Prayer Walk- Getting yourself out of the house and taking a prayer walk is an excellent way to nurture and grow your relationship with God. A prayer walk allows there to be a quiet time and safe space to focus on Him. 

Listen to your Favorite Christian Music While Working Out- Do you like Christian Rock? Christian Rap? It doesn’t matter the genre, listening to Christian music while getting your body pumping is a great way to connect with God and keep your mortal body healthy.

 Enjoy Nature

Go for a Scenic Drive- Contemplate and examine the scenery. Take notice of the beautiful world He provided for us.

Get your Hiking Boots On- Get outdoors and go for a hike or walk. Listen to the sounds of the birds, the insects, and the quiet. Utilize the time and send Him a quick “thanks” to show your appreciation for all that he created.


Teach and Spread the Word

Be an Example- Be an example to those around you. Align your actions with your values.

Share a Note of Encouragement- When you are feeling inspired, share a note of encouragement with someone who may need to hear it. This can be something as simple as reminding the person that God loves them.

Share your Favorite Scripture- Tell someone your favorite scripture and explain to them what that scripture means to you.

Invite Someone to Pray with You- What an intimate and significant way to connect with someone else and the Lord.

Serve Together- Find a volunteer opportunity that you and another person can participate in together.

Suggest a Movie or Book- Make a suggestion to a friend that they watch your favorite faith-based movie or read a book written by your favorite Christian author. Bonus points if you are able to lend them a copy you own.

Share your Testimony- You can share your testimony in person or on your social media accounts. Let others know why your faith in God is the most important aspect of your life.




Listen to Songs of Worship Throughout your Day- You can play songs of worship while you shower, on your way to work, while folding laundry, or while working on the car.

Listen to Uplifting Music- Keep your music wholesome and stay clear of music that contains negativity.

Find a Christian Podcast- There is a treasure trove of Christian Podcasts. Try out a few and find your favorite.

Listen to the Bible on Audiobook- This can be an effective way to gain an understanding of the Bible.

Listen to Religious Audiobooks Written by your Favorite Christian Authors- Some of us just aren’t readers. Luckily, we can still partake in noteworthy and entertaining Christian texts with audiobooks.

Listen to a Sermon- With the popularity and widespread use of the internet, it is no wonder countless churches are sharing their sermons online these days. We post ours every Sunday afternoon. Be sure to check it out here.


Be Sure To…


  • Make spending time with God daily a priority
    • When God is your very first priority, spending time with Him daily will be easy. Building upon your relationship with Him will be enjoyable and rewarding. When God is your number one, everything in your life will fall into place.
  • Be intentional with your time
    • Your time spent with God should be meaningful. It doesn’t matter how much time is spent. What matters is the quality of the time spent. Don’t spend your time with God if you’re just trying to check it off to say you’ve done it. Have this time be purposeful.
  • Pencil Him in
    • Our day-to-day lives are more often than not, busy. This means some days we will have to schedule in our time to spend with God. It is better to have a quick “check-in” than nothing at all.
  • Determine a specific place
    • Sometimes you’ll need a quiet spot to spend time with Him. This can be a corner in your room, while driving your commute to work, or even hiding in your closet. The setting doesn’t matter as long as you’re able to spend some peaceful quiet time with Him. 
  • Plan ahead
    • It will be easier to keep your daily commitment if you make a plan ahead of time. 


Scriptures Highlighting the Importance of Maintaining a Strong Relationship with God


Do What You Can to Sustain Your Relationship

As you can see, it doesn’t have to take a lot of effort to cultivate your relationship with God. Treat your relationship with God like you would any other person you spend every day with. Small acts filled with quality time will preserve and build your sacred bond with Him.

- Torrance Church of Christ

The Value of Serving (and some ways you can serve another today!)


We've Been Called to Serve


What is service?

Oxford Languages defines service as:  The action of helping or doing work for someone.

It may be safe to assume that we all have an idea of what service is, however, our personal definitions might contain slight variations. One person may think of service as holding the door open for a stranger, whereas someone else may think of it as donating clothing to a homeless shelter. Another person may see service solely as a paid job, for example, a waiter is serving you your food because they are required to. These are all examples of service, and each one is not more dominant than the other. 

Why should we serve others?


When we serve others, we are following in Christ’s footsteps. Christ spent his mortal life in the service of others and we can see this throughout the Bible. When we serve others, we are building ourselves a solid foundation overflowing with blessings, personal growth, enlightenment, happiness, and inspiration. When you serve another, you are adding value to not only the person you are serving but also yourself. You have the opportunity to positively impact someone’s life. This can inspire whomever you serve to pay it forward, which can create a snowball effect of acts of kindness and good deeds. By your simple action, you can create a shift that has the potential to create a constructive and beneficial difference for humankind. 

How do we find time to serve?


With the hustle and bustle attitude of our modern times, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by all of our commitments and obligations. Between all of society’s expectations, our expectations from our family, and responsibilities at work, it's no wonder so many of us sometimes feel swallowed up. We can become so encompassed with the tasks of our day-to-day lives, that when we do get a break, we want to spend that break resting, catching up on reading, or enjoying a hobby. “I’m just too tired”, is the universal excuse to why we aren’t doing more. We use this excuse in numerous areas of our lives. However, when we use this excuse specifically as to why we cannot serve another, we are overlooking the expectation of the Almighty. He has commanded us to serve. We should learn to prioritize our time to include acts of service. 

Thankfully there is a myriad of approaches you can take to help another person. Many of these methods don’t need to take a lot of time. Because of this, some deeds can easily be implemented into your daily life. 

A Fistful of Service Ideas


  • Walk your neighbor's dog
  • Greet others with a nod of acknowledgment
  • Listen. Listen with the intent to listen. 
  • Clean up any litter you come across
  • Do a chore for someone in your household that you normally wouldn’t do
  • Hold open the door for someone
  • Give sincere compliments
  • Smile
  • Donate books
  • Respond to someone rude with kindness and understanding
  • Show your support for someone, even if you don’t agree with whatever they need support with
  • Pray for others
  • Offer up your seat to someone who needs it more
  • Keep your promises
  • Write and send someone an uplifting note
  • Call an old friend
  • Pay off someone's overdrawn school lunch account
  • Donate canned goods
  • Participate in a community clean up
  • Volunteer at a food pantry
  • Purchase classroom supplies for a teacher
  • Plant a tree
  • Cook a meal for someone
  • Help an elderly person carry their groceries to their car
  • Donate blood
  • Donate used clothing
  • Pay for someone's gas
  • If you notice your neighbor’s trash can isn’t at the curb on trash day, bring it out for them
  • Are you walking or driving your kids to school? Maybe you can help a friend out by taking their child too
  • Donate make-up and feminine hygiene products to a women's shelter
  • Babysit for someone in need
  • Set up a small monthly donation to your favorite charity
  • Mow someone's lawn
  • When you see someone is down, don’t avoid them. Instead, sit with them, talk to them, and let them feel your love and concern
  • Donate an old wedding or prom dress to make angel gowns
  • Help kids with their homework
  • Clean up old headstones
  • Return someone else's shopping cart along with your own
  • Help your neighbor with their gardening
  • Volunteer at the library
  • Cuddle a newborn, volunteer at the hospital to cuddle newborn infants
  • Play games with people at retirement centers
  • Purchase someone a book
  • Pay for the person behind you in line (it doesn’t matter where you are!)
  • Knit beanies and donate them to a cancer center
  • Treat your new co-worker to lunch
  • Teach a music lesson
  • Clean a pregnant person's house
  • When you see a group of people taking a photo, offer to take the photo so everyone in their group can be included
  • Read to people in the hospital
  • Hug someone who needs a hug
  • Leave a small gift and note of gratitude for your mail delivery person
  • Return store items you’ve decided not to purchase to their original spot
  • Hold the elevator door open
  • Be someone’s cheerleader
  • Collect diapers and donate them

As you can see, serving others is a multifaceted venture. There is no correct or incorrect way to serve someone. There is no way which is better than the other. Do what you can with what resources you have to show your love and support for those you come into contact with. It doesn’t matter if they’re someone you’ve known your whole life or a stranger on the street. When you see an opportunity to nourish another individual, do so. You never know the monumental footprint a simple act can leave.

-Torrance Church of Christ

20 Daily Affirmations for Christians

What are Daily Affirmations?

Daily Affirmations are statements that you can repeat to yourself. They are positive and uplifting declarations that you can repeat out loud or silently in your head. 

What is the Purpose of Daily Affirmations?

Affirmations are used to negate the effects of negative thoughts. When you use affirmations, you are essentially replacing a negative thought with a positive one. You can create neural pathways to retrain your brain with a new pattern of thinking. Examples of more commonly used affirmations are:

I am successful.

I am loved.

I am worthy. 

As you can see, affirmations are commonly used to raise self-esteem, empower, and motivate. When you repeat these statements, you plant the seed in your brain and with continued use, that seed will flourish and you’ll be able to see outward changes. 

Why Should Christians use Daily Affirmations?

You don’t have to use Daily Affirmations. It is a purely personal choice. The affirmations we have compiled below are meant to be looked at as helpful reminders of your faith in God. These affirmations will help you to stay true to your values. 

- Torrance Church of Christ
